

Hospitals are one of the most essential areas of a town and so it has to be managed in a very efficient way. The modernization of information technology has created easiness in each and every area including medical sector such as hospitals managements. The Hospital management software is easy to sustain, cost-effective, scalable and get with effective price. GHMS is basically a computer-based program that facilitates health care organizations to serve people at their best. Real-time data is what these software is able to provide, and this is one of the greatest advantage of GHMS (Gradient Hospital Management System).

True Windows GUI

Windows GUIAccord’s true windows TM Graphical User interface adheres to the GUI used by Microsoft Windows.

Power under the Hood

With the Paradox database system and Borland Database Engine (BDE), a robust, scalable near- RDBMS, your data is the safest. Can share information with other database applications.

Easy Learning and Easy Configuration

Most forms in Accord look like their real-life paper counterparts. With jargon-free terminology and a standard Windows pull-down menu interface, Accord is easily and speedily navigable.

Superior Network Performance

Accord is fully and truly Network compatible and allow efficient access by various users from different workstations connected in LAN/WAN.

User Access Control

Strict Network access control is implemented and each module and menu option in Accord can be finely configured to each user’s rights. An audit trail feature allows the super user (administrator) complete information on modification/entries by all other users.

Storage of Original Documents

Scanned images of paper documents against the transactions can be stored & view them instantly.

Multiple ... ... & Multiple ... ... levels

Accord support Multi-Company and Multiple Financial Periods. It also accounts Multiple currencies,Multiple levels in chart of Accounts, Multiple group structure in Inventory System, Multiple levels in locations/ware house of storage, Multiple levels of vector masters & Multiple budget schemes. All Multiple levels can be observed one under the other-in a TREE VIEW

FOREX Management

Powerful Multi-currency features allow users to call the specific currency at the time of entry of each Transaction. The other account currencies will be converted automatically before being saved. Data-wise Foreign Exchange Rates can be recorded and referred to at the time of entry. Also, the Periods-end Foreign Exchange Fluctuation (Gains or losses) can be carried forward to the next Financial Period absorbed in the current period’s revenue account. These intelligent Multi-currency features are a MUST in today’s globalization of World Markets.

Custom Fields

Users can design and specify their own transaction level custom fields for each voucher type even the inventory transaction vouchers.

Powerful Budgets

Budgets are completely user defined. A maximum voucher transaction limit can be maintained against each account (ledger). Parallel schemes of budgeting can be set up one under another. (i.e., monthly budgets under quarterly and so no) and be queried in real-time.

Freedom in Groups/Units

Accord does not restrict to entering groups and subgroups of Items. Items groups can be entered later on and the items can be classified, and even re-classified, later. The same item may belong to two separate groups so that it is available under both groups. In addition, Accord has in-built groups for Finished goods, Raw Materials and Work-in-Progress (WIP), etc. which may be used for the statement of Manufacturing or other Accounts.
Accord allows tagging an entire unit system, that is, a full matrix of related (or non-related) units. For instance, in “Pieces”, “Dozen”, “Score”, “Gross”, “Box (10pcs)”, “Carton (12 doz.)”. Now, the stock status can be in any of these related units. Also, transacted quantities or queries may be specified in any of the above units as well as rates.

Pinpoint locations

Warehouse features: Locations may be nested one under the other and made stackable or virtual, as set up by the user. Transactions for inter-location movement of Goods are possible.

Serial Numbers and Batch Numbers

Accord allows both Batch and Serial Numbers. Any item can be configured to be further track-able through Batches or Serials-an important part of major quality programs like ISO 9001, etc.

Order Processing – Easy Dispatches/Receipts/Invoices

Orders can be entered manually or referred to at the time of making a Dispatch/Receipt Note or even at the time of making an Invoice Entry. Entries can alternately start from the Dispatch/Receipt Note or even the Invoice. The scheme is simple and mimics the familiar manual processes followed. Multiple Notes (Dispatch/Receipt) can be referred at the time of Invoicing. Individual items in these Notes can be taken up in each Invoice, leaving the rest to be referred to in later Invoices, or in reports for un-Invoiced/un- Billed items

Amazing Vector AccountingTM

Vectors harness accounting information and represent it as costs, split across lines of divisions/department/products/geographical locations or whatever the user Company finds significant. Processed and organized, this information provides invaluable details for analysis and action, and is an indispensable tool to identify wasteful or unproductive areas.

Flexible, Freeform Reporting

Accord’s free reporting environment allows any installed font to be used on any paper size supported by the printer. So readability is greatly enhanced using the correct paper size vis-a-vis the font. The Reports can be saved as specific QPR files (or even to MS Word) and backed up or sent as attachments. You can export the data to popular spreadsheets like MS Excel, too.

Advanced Report Designer

Accord’s sophisticated Report Designer allows fine-tuning for most Reports/Documents/Invoices and Notes, and even complete redesign in a few simple steps. Text can be rotated and Barcodes printed from accounting data or serial numbers. Export documentation, shipment documentation, excise documentation are some of the advanced functions of the designer. Calculated Fields and Expressions can be used and bitmap graphics inserted to Customize documents to any degree. Tables which can be used by the Report Designer, and at advanced level even SQL statements can be passed to generate specific queries.

Stock Valuation – Auto Valuation

Accord provides multiple Valuation schemes and better yet, gives options to link Inventory to Accounts in a seamless way. Auto valuation sums values across all items and updates right up to Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Values. Valuation methods offered are FIFO, LIFO, Weighted Average, Fixed (Standard) Cost and Schemes offered are Market Price/Cost Price or Higher/Lower of Market Price and Cost Price.

Appropriation of Value on Purchases/Material Receipts

Purchase appropriation is a unique utility in Accord - all direct expenses are appropriationable across item in Material Receipt vouchers like Purchase or even Manufacturing Finished Goods Production. Appropriation schemes can be based on value, quantity or even on Ad Hoc.

Clearly Defined Financial Periods

Accord has clearly defined Financial Periods. Of course, one Financial Period follows from its previous period but at the same time they are sufficiently isolated. Individual Financial Periods can be backed up and user access can also be given to specific Financial Periods.

Narration: Predefined and Unlimited Entry

Narration length in Accord is unlimited. Predefined Narration texts can be stored and inserted with simple Hot Keys.

Manufacturing Inventory to Work-in-Progress

Accord allows users to track the movement of raw material and finished goods. Accord handles both process manufacturing and discreet manufacturing through clear stock vouchers like-Issues Slips and Production Receipt slips. Users can also compute work-in-progress based on process formulae.

Post Dated Cheque (PDC) Management

The ubiquitous post-dated Cheque can now be managed effectively through advanced Post Dated Cheque tracking. Just make an entry for the PDC Cheque when issued, then, when the clearing date arrives, Accord pops up a reminder with an option to register the transaction. When you register your Post Dated Cheque all necessary Accounts are automatically updated. (All reports such as Accounts Statement, Party Outstanding, Party Ageing, etc, will now reflect the Cheque, and it can be configurable according to user requirement).


The Scheduler feature, when activated, obviates the headache and drudgery of recurring voucher entry. Ideal for things like recurring bills or monthly rent vouchers. On the predetermined date the relevant entry is effected completely automatically and will update all accounts when you register the same. Or, you can specify an authorization of the voucher only from the Financial Controller, for increased security.

Fixed Assets Register

Fixed Assets Register can be generated Location-wise, Serial Number-wise or both.

Job Costing and Appropriation

Accord allows the user to generate Appropriation Register with all direct Cost involved in Purchase, Finished Goods Receipts, Stock Transfer inward. This means all direct cost will be appropriated into product cost to add value to the product, getting the final costing as well as Job Costing, after any defined processing. It also helps to track LC and calculate the final cost of particular LC in any given period.

Global Marketing Regions

SE Asia: Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka.
Middle East:UAE and Saudi Arabia
European Union
Africa: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Bostwana, and South Africa.

How Accord assists in making Business Decisions

Accord is an integrated business accounting software that puts you completely in-charge of every aspect of your business-Sales, Trading and Manufacturing inventory control, with real MIS and other business functions. Specialty of Accord in making Business Decisions are-

Aging Analysis:

To keep the mobility of the business, you have to always allow some credit days to your Debtors or vice versa. As a entrepreneur you always try to know your Debtors as well as Creditors outstanding. To keep track the outstanding details of Payables and Receivables of the company, you should use Ageing Analysis Report that gives you a clear picture about the outstanding details. A bill is said to be aged after it has reached its maturity date.

Pre Aging:

Pre Ageing means all the dues, which are going to be overdue in the future (i.e. all the pre aged bills).

Post Aging:

Post Ageing means all the bills, which are already overdue. (i.e., all the post aged bills).

In Accounting:

Accord can generate complete analytical reports on a product sold/purchased to a particular customer for a defined period and in the same manner it also generate complete report for a particular customer who purchased/sold a particular product for a defined period to its clients. If there are any brokerage/commission in the above transaction accord can calculate automatically the amount payable or receivable.

In inventory:

Product wise analysis report can be obtained with the options: Sales/Purchase, Party details/consolidated.

Cash Flow / Funds Flow:

The cash flow report shows the amount of cash that has come in or gone out of the company within a specified period. This Report gives a summary of cash transaction categories as Inflows and Outflows. The reference ledger is always a liquid account. Here the term liquid account means accounts defined under the groups ‘Cash Accounts’ and Bank Balances or Overdrafts. Accord supports Cash flows for any user defined period or on a monthly basis. This enables users to trace funds flows for control of resources.

Interest Calculation:

Accord calculates interest on date balances. The Interest Calculation window helps the user to find out the amount of interest Receivable/Payable due from /to a party for a period as on a particular date based on their ledger balances.

Outstanding Report

Outstanding statements may be obtained for a defined Period or As On date, which is also called the Cut Off date. Indexing may be On party wise or document wise. If the Document wise option is selected the Outstanding will be shown document wise irrespective of the party. When the Party wise option is selected then the party list gets activated and the user will further have to select the party from the party list. All the transactions against this party and its Outstanding will be listed. There are also options get Outstanding report calculated on the basis of Bill Date or Due Date. If the user wants to add his opening balance of outstanding bills with the present outstanding bills he can do so by clicking on the checkbox for ‘With opening Documents’


One of the most powerful tools for analytical financial statement: Each Ratio are of two types:

  • Status Ratio: based on "AS ON ANY DATE" gives reports on the followings: Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Gross Profit Ratio, Net Profit Ratio, Debt-Equity Ratio, Rate of Return on Investment (IRR), Absolute Cash Ratio, Expense Ratio.
  • Periodic Ratio: based on "USER DEFINED PERIOD" gives reports on the followings: Debtors Turnover, Creditor’s Turnover, Inventory Turnover, Working Capital Turnover.

Depreciation Chart:

The depreciation chart lists the depreciation to be charged for different assets defined under the head Fixed Assets. Reports can be obtained for a mentioned period with following options: Ledger-wise /Subgroup-wise Detailed/Consolidated: Accumulated depreciation, Depreciation Rate, Purchase Value Opening Balance of the Asset Account

  • Value as opening Date
  • Additions
  • Disposals
  • Accumulated Depreciation
  • Total Value (Value as on opening Date + Additions –Disposals- Accumulated Depreciation)
  • Depreciation on asset sold
  • Value as on closing Date


The Management always try to know what profit has come from a particular item. So that the management can easily gage the gross return from that particular item. Accord can generate exclusive report based on options details/consolidated. And, there are numerous features of Accord. So... ... make a positive decision...and

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